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Invited Talks


Anderson, S., “Why can’t I hear in noise? Looking for answers beyond the audiogram,” Northeast Audiology Virtual Conference, November 2020.


Anderson, S., “Age-related hearing loss: Problems and solutions,” Hearing Health Hour of the Hearing Health Foundation, October 2020.


Anderson, S., “Beyond the Audiogram, Effects of aging and hearing loss on central auditory function,” New Zealand Audiological Society Virtual Conference, July 2020.


Anderson, S., “Beyond the Audiogram, New directions in audiological practice,” Kaiser Permanente Audiology Virtual Conference, May 2020.


Anderson, S. “Does hearing aid use improve brain function?,” Sounds+ Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 2019.


Anderson, S. “Aging and hearing loss effects on neural speech processing,” Acoustical Society of America, Louisville, KY, May 2019.


Brodbeck, C., Presacco, A. Anderson, S. and Simon, J. Z. “Increased speech representation in older adults originates from early response in higher order auditory cortex,” MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, MD, February 2019.


Karawani, H., Roque, L., Schloss, A. and Anderson, S. “Age-related temporal processing deficits along the auditory pathway,” MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, MD, February 2019.


Anderson, S. “The effects of aging and hearing loss on the ability to understand speech in complex environments,” Insights in the Dynamics of Aging: Current Research at UMD, College Park, MD, February 2019. 


Anderson, S. “New directions in audiological practice: Role of evoked potentials,” SHAV Conference, Williamsburg, VA, March 2018.


Anderson, S. “Interacting effects of aging, hearing loss, and cognition on midbrain and cortical processing,” Signal and Noise along the Auditory Pathway 2017, Lubeck, German, December 2017.


Ananthakrishan, S., Easwar, V., and Anderson, S. “Beyond the audiogram: Clinical applications of the frequency-following response,” 2017 ASHA Convention, Los Angeles, CA, November 2017.


Anderson, S. “Evoked potential testing and the hearing brain,” 18th Annual Texas Academy of Audiology Conference, San Marcos, TX, October 2017.


Anderson, S. “Beyond the audiogram: Identifying the critical factors that contribute to successful management of hearing loss,” 2017 ACSLPA conference, Edmonton, AB, October 2017.


Anderson, S. “Introduction to occupational noise exposure,” 3rd Auditory and Vestibular Translational Research Day, Baltimore, MD, October 2017.


Anderson, S. “Aging, cognition, and hearing loss: Clinical implications,” Michigan Audiology Coalition Conference, East Lansing, MI, October 2016.


Anderson, S. “Electrophysiological assessment of central auditory dysfunction,” Military Central Auditory Processing Symposium, Bethesda, MD, October 2016.


Anderson, S., "Effects of aging, hearing loss, and amplification on neural speech encoding," Saskatchewan Hearing Healthcare Conference, Regina, SK, June 2016.
Anderson, S.,
"Amplification effects on neural processing," American Academy of Audiology Conference, Phoenix, AZ, April 2016. 
Anderson, S.,
"Electrophysiologic evaluation of auditory function across the lifespan," SHAV Conference, Chantilly, VA, March 2016.

​Anderson, S.,
"What can evoked potentials tell you about the hearing aid fitting?," Maryland Academy of Audiology Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD, October 2015. 

Anderson, S.,
"Evaluation of neural adaptation in new hearing aids users," XIIth International Meeting on Auditory Prostheses, Sao Paolo, Brazil, June 2015.

Anderson, S.,
"Biologic Index of Auditory Processing Disorders in Children," Rhode Island Hearing Assessment Program 21st Annual Seminar, Providence, RI, May 2015.

Anderson, S.,
"Neural correlates of auditory function," Kaiser Permanente Regional Audiology Conference, Oakland, CA, May 2014.

Anderson, S.,
"Neural correlates of auditory function: cABR assessment," 4th National ENT Physician Association Annual Congress, Beijing, China, October 2014.

Anderson, S.,
"Central assessment of auditory function across the lifespan," NLASLPA Conference, St. John's, New Foundland, September 2014.

Presacco, A., Simon, J., Anderson, S.,
"Effects of aging on temporal synchronization of speech in noise investigated in the cortex by using MEG and in the midbrain by using EEG techniques," Universitas 21 Graduate Research Conference 2014: Celebrating Ageing Research, University of Aukland, New Zealand, July 2014.

Anderson, S.,
"Music: Impact on Aging and Hearing," National Center for Creative Aging National Leadership Exchange and Conference, Washington, DC, June 2014.

Anderson, S.,
"Neural correlates of auditory function:  Use of the cABR in assessment and management," Kaiser Permanente Regional Audiology Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 2014.

Anderson, S.,
"Development of subcortical speech representation in infants," UMD Winter Storm Language Science Workshop, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, January 2014.

Anderson, S.,
"Neural mechanisms of hearing loss and training and their clinical implications," 8th Annual Hearing Symposium: Complex Auditory Processing and Disorders, Center for Hearing Research, University of California, Irvine, CA, May 2013.

Anderson, S., Kraus, N.,
"Music and Speech-in-Noise Perception," MED-EL UK 17th Annual Workshop, Zell am Ziller, Austria, January 2013.

Anderson, S., Levitt, H., "Auditory Training," ASHA Live Event, August 2013.

Anderson, S.,
"Music and speech-in-noise perception," 7th International Adult Aural Rehabilitation Conference: Maximizing the Benefits of Technology through Innovative Intervention, St. Pete Beach, FL, May 2013.




Karawani, H. and Anderson, S., “Neural acclimatization to hearing aids,” Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, San Jose, CA, February 2020.


Anderson, S., Kronzek, E., Chisholm, J., Gordon-Salant, S., and Goupell, M. J. "Training effects on perception and neural representation of temporal speech cues,” Gordon Research Conference: Neuroplasticity of Sensory Systems, Hong Kong, June 2018.


Karawani, H., Roque, L., Schloss, A., and Anderson, S. "Age-related temporal processing deficits revealed in cortical auditory evoked potentials,” American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ, March 2018.


Anderson, S., Roque, L., Schloss, A., and Karawani, H. "Aging effects on neural representation and perception of duration cues in speech," Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, San Diego, CA, February 2018.


Anderson, S., Kronzek, E., Chisholm, J., Gordon-Salant, and Goupell, M. “Training effects on perception and neural representation of temporal speech cues,” Aging and Speech Communication Research Conference, Tampa, FL, November 2017.


Karawani, H., Jenkins, K., and Anderson, S. “Neural and behavioral changes after the use of hearing aids,” Eastern Auditory Retreat, Washington, D.C., June 2017.

Anderson, S., and Goupell, M., "Effects of aging and bandwidth on the binaural masking level difference assessed with electrophysiological and psychophysical measures," Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, San Diego, CA, February 2016.

Shader, M., Nguyen, N., Hertzano, R., Eisenman, D., Anderson, S., Gordon-Salant, S., Goupell, M., 
"Do lower stimulation rates improve speech understanding in typically low-performing groups of cochlear-implant users?," MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, February 2015.

Gaskins, C., Shader, M., Gordon-Salant, S., Anderson, S., & Goupell, M.,
"Age-related differences in consonant perception in real and simulated cochlear-implant users," MidWinter Meeting for the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, February 2015.

Anderson, S., Presacco, A.
"Effects of stimulus degradation and aging on cortical encoding of speech," Mid-Atlantic Seminar on Hearing (MASH), January 30 – 31, 2015 College Park, MD, USA 

Presacco, A., Jenkins, K., Lieberman, R., Anderson, S.,
"The effects of aging on dynamic and static encoding of speech processing," Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Conference, San Diego, CA, February 2014.

Anderson, S.,
"Neural mechanisms of hearing loss and training in older adults," Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences Seminar Series, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, April 2013.

Anderson, S., & Kraus, N.,
"Training effects in older adults: Neural mechanisms," American Auditory Society Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ, March 2013.




Dunlap, J., Perera, J., Karunathilake, I.M., Simon, J.Z., Kuchinsky, S., and Anderson, S., “Relationships between subjective and objective measures of continuous speech understanding reveal age-related deficits,” Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, Virtual, February 2021.


Decruy, L., Karunathilake, I.M., Dunlap, J., Perera, J., Anderson, S., Kuchinsky, S., and Simon, J.Z., “Pupil dilation, as a continuous measure of listening effort, during sustained attention to competing talkers,” Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, Virtual, February 2021.


Anderson, S., DeVries, L., Smith, E., Goupell, M.J., and Gordon-Salant, S., “Rate discrimination training may partially restore age-related temporal processing deficits,” Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, Virtual, February 2021.


Karunathilake, I.M., Dunlap, J., Perera, J., Presacco, A., Decruy, L., Anderson, S., Kuchinsky, S., and Simon, J.Z., “Effects of aging on the cortical representation of continuous speech,” Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, Virtual, February 2021.


Nguyen, N., Shields, C., Sohns, S., Borja, J., and Anderson, S., “Assessment of tinnitus outcomes with behavioral and objective measures,” American Auditory Society Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, March 2020.


Kulasingham, J., Brodbeck, C., Presacco, A., Kuchsinky, S. Anderson, S., and Simon, J.A., “High Frequency Cortical Processing of Continuous Speech in Younger and Older Listeners,” Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, San Jose, CA, February 2020.


Xie, Z., Anderson, S., Gordon-Salant, S., and Goupell, M.J., “Age-related temporal processing deficits for word segments in adult cochlear-implant users: Perceptual and electrophysiological evidence,” Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, San Jose, CA, February 2020.


Anderson, S., Schloss, A., and Bieber, R., “Peripheral contributions to age-related reductions in phase locking,” Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, San Jose, CA, February 2020.


White-Schwoch, T., Anderson, S., Krizman, J., Bonacina, S., Nicol, T., and Kraus, N., "Subcortical synchrony drives speech-in-noise perception: Evidence from multiple cases of auditory neuropathy,” Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, San Jose, CA, February 2020.


Goupell, M.J., Shader, M.J., Anderson, S., and Gordon-Salant, S., “Peripheral versus central age-related temporal processing deficits: Insights from cochlear-implant users,” Aging and Speech Communication Research Conference, Tampa, FL, November 2019.


Bieber, R., Brodbeck, C., Yevsukov, V., and Anderson S., “Effects of listener age, talker accent, and sentential context on lexical access,” Aging and Speech Communication Research Conference, Tampa, FL, November 2019.


DeVries, L., Schapira, A.,  Anderson, S., Goupell, M.J., Smith, E., and Gordon-Salant, S., “Assessing the time course of perceptual learning with pulse rate discrimination training in younger and older adults,” Aging and Speech Communication Research Conference, Tampa, FL, November 2019.


Anderson, S., DeVries, L., Goupell, M.J., Smith, E., and Gordon-Salant, S., “Temporal rate discrimination training effects on perception and neural encoding in younger and older listeners,” Aging and Speech Communication Research Conference, Tampa, FL, November 2019.


Xie, Z., Anderson, S., Gordon-Salant, S., and Goupell, M.J., “Processing temporal cues for word identification in adult cochlear-implant users: Effects of aging and context,” Aging and Speech Communication Research Conference, Tampa, FL, November 2019.


Kulasingham, J., Brodbeck, C., Presacco, A., Anderson, S., and Simon, J. Z., “High frequency phase locking in auditory cortex to continuous speech,” Society for Neuroscience 2019, Chicago, IL, November 2019.


Xie, Z., Stakhavoskaya, O., Goupell, M., and Anderson, S., “Age-related deficits in auditory cortical processing in cochlear-implant users,” 2019 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Lake Tahoe, CA, July 2019.


Kulasingham, J., Brodbeck, C., Presacco, A., Anderson, S. and Simon, J. Z., “High frequency phase locking in auditory cortex to continuous speech,” Ninth International Workshop Statistical Analysis of Neuronal Data, Pittsburg, PA, May 2019.


Roque, L. and Anderson, S., “Effects of Age, Cognition, and Neural Encoding on Speech Perception,” American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ, March 2019.


Xie, Z., Stakhavoskaya, O., Goupell, M. J. and Anderson, S., “Aging effects on the auditory evoked cortical potentials in cochlear-implant users,” Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, Baltimore, MD, February 2019.


Zan, P., Presacco, A., Anderson, S., and Simon, J. Z., “Cortical over-representation of speech in older listeners correlates with a reduction in both behavioral inhibition and speech intelligibility,” Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, Baltimore, MD, February 2019.


Zan, P., Presacco, A., Anderson, S. and Simon, J. Z., “Mutual information analysis of neural representations of speech in noise in the aging midbrain,” Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, Baltimore, MD, February 2019.


White-Schwoch, T., Anderson, S., Mrizman, J., Nicol, T., and Kraus, N., “Subcortical origins of the frequency-following response: Evidence from two case studies,” Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, Baltimore, MD, February 2019.


Schloss, A. Fraser, L., and Anderson, S., “Role of the auditory periphery in self-assessment of hearing ability in younger and older adults,” Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, Baltimore, MD, February 2019.


McClean, I., Goupell, M. J., Anderson, S. and Stakhovskaya, O., “Effect of simulated interaural frequency mismatch on interaural time difference lateralization and the relationship to the amplitude of the binaural interaction component,” Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, Baltimore, MD, February 2019.


Anderson, S., Goupell, M. J., Schapira, A., Robinson, R., Hernanez, R., and Gordon-Salant, S. “Blocked training, but not randomized training, leads to improvement in temporal rate discrimination and increased energy in auditory steady state responses,” Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, Baltimore, MD, February 2019.


Anderson, S., Presacco, A., DeVries, L., Goupell, M. J., Schapira, A., Robinson, R., Hernandez, R. and Gordon-Salant, S., “Experimental auditory training for older listeners using rate discrimination: effects on perceptual and neural measures,” Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, Baltimore, MD, February 2019.


Anderson, S., Poe, A., Roque, L., Le, C. and Karawani, H., “Age-related degradation is more evident for speech stimuli with longer than with shorter consonant transitions,” Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, Baltimore, MD, February 2019.


Schloss, A., Yevsukov, V., and Anderson, S., Peripheral role in temporal processing deficits, American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ, March 2018.


Roque, L., Fraser, L., and Anderson, S., Aging effects on neural representations of vowel duration speech cues,” American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ, March 2018.


Kronzek, E., Chisholm, J., Gordon-Salant, S., Goupell, M.J., and Anderson, S., Training effects on perception and neural representation of temporal speech cues," American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ, March 2018.


Gaskins, C., Roque, L., Goupell, M.J., and Anderson, S., Age and spectral degradation effects on neural representations of temporal speech cues,” American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ, March 2018.


Karawani, H., Jenkins, K., and Anderson, S., "Behavioral and neural plasticity induced hearing aid use," Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, San Diego, CA, February 2018.


Roque, L., Gaskins, C., Goupell, M.J., and Anderson, S., “Age and spectral degradation effects on neural representations of temporal speech cues,” Eastern Auditory Retreat, Washington, D.C., June 2017.


Presacco, A., Bostic, K., Simon, J., and Anderson, S., “Effect of informational content of noise on neural speech representation, with and without peripheral hearing loss,” U13 Bedside-to-Bench Conference Series: Sensory Impairment and Cognitive Decline, Bethesda, MD, October 2017.


Stakhovskaya, O., McLean, I., Gaskins, C., Presacco, A., Shader, M., Goupell, M., and Anderson, S., “The effect of stimulation rate on electrophysiological responses in older cochlear-implant listeners,” Aging and Speech Communication Research Conference, Tampa, FL, November 2017.


Anderson, S., Kronzek, E., Chisholm, J., Gordon-Salant, and Goupell, M., “Training effects on perception and neural representation of temporal speech cues,” Aging and Speech Communication Research Conference, Tampa, FL, November 2017.


Roque, L., Gaskins, C., Gordon-Salant, S., Goupell, M., and Anderson, S., “Aging effects on neural representation of temporal envelope and fine structure speech cues,” Aging and Speech Communication Research Conference, Tampa, FL, November 2017.


Gaskins, C., Walter, E., Gordon-Salant, S., Anderson, S., Goupell, M., “Behavioral and electrophysiological representation of temporal processing as a function of rate and age,” Aging and Speech Communication Research Conference, Tampa, FL, November 2017.


Gaskins, C., Walter, E., Gordon-Salant, S., Anderson, S., and Goupell, M.J., Temporal processing as a function of pulse rate and age: Behavior and electrophysiology,” ARO Midwinter Meeting, Baltimore, MD, February 2017.


Anderson, S., Gordon-Salant, S., Gaskins, C., and Goupell, M.J., "Neural correlates of age-related changes in auditory temporal processing," American Auditory Society Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, March 2016.

Fodor, C., and Anderson, S., 
"Effects of amplification on phase locking and response amplitude to a speech syllable," American Auditory Society Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, March 2016.  

Presacco, A., Goupell, M.J., Gaskins, C., Shader, M., and Anderson, S.,
"Neural correlates of age-related perceptual deficits in cochlear implant users,"  American Auditory Society Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, March 2016.

Presacco, A., Simon, J.Z., and Anderson, S.,
"Effects of meaningful vs. meaningless noise on speech representations in the aging midbrain and cortex," Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, San Diego, CA, February 2016.

Goupell, M., Gaskins, C., Shader, M., Presacco, A., Anderson, S., Gordon-Salant, S., 
"Gap detection in cochlear-implant users reveals age-related central temporal processing deficits," 2015 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), July 12-17, 2015, Lake Tahoe, CA, USA 

Jenkins, K., and Anderson, S.,
 "Subcortical plasticity in first-time hearing aid users," American Auditory Society Annual Conference, March, 2015.

Presacco, A., Simon, J., Gordon-Salant, S., and Anderson, S., 
"Interacting effects of aging and context on neural temporal processing," American Auditory Society Annual Meeting, March 5-7, 2015, Scottsdale, AZ, USA

Presacco, A., Simon, J., and Anderson, S., 
"Evidence of Age-Related Temporal Processing Deficits in EEG and MEG Recordings," ARO MidWinter Meeting, February 21 – 25, 2015 Baltimore, MD, USA 

Jenkins, K., Presacco, A., and Anderson, S., 
"Effects of amplification on auditory evoked responses," ARO MidWinter Meeting, February 21 – 25, 2015 Baltimore, MD, USA 

Presacco, A., Anderson, S., and Simon, J., 
"Influence of ageing on cortical auditory temporal processing of speech in noise," Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, November 15-19th, 2014 Washington DC, USA  

Erhardt, K., Presacco, A., Simon, J., and Anderson, A., 
"Differing effects of noise on subcortical speech representation in younger and older adults," Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, November 15-19th, 2014 Washington DC, USA 

Jenkins, K., Presacco, A., and Anderson, S., 
"The Efficacy of Using Auditory Brainstem Responses in the Hearing Aid Evaluation," Academy Research Conference, American Academy of Audiology, Orlando, FL, 2014.

Presacco, A., Erhardt, K., Jenkins, K., Lieberman, R., Simon, J., and Anderson, A., 
"Effects of aging on cortical and subcortical encoding of speech in noise: an EEG and MEG study," NACS Research Day, April 18th, 2014, College Park, MD, USA

Anderson, S., and Kraus, N., 
"Development of subcortical speech representation in infants," American Auditory Society Annual Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, March 2014.

Presacco, A., and Anderson, S., 
"Effects of aging on subcortical encoding of speech in noise," American Auditory Society Annual Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, March 2014.

Lieberman R., Presacco, A., and Anderson S., 
"Brainstem differentiation of stop consonants during the first year of life," American Auditory Society Annual Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, March 2014.

Parbery-Clark, A., Anderson, S., and Kraus, N., 
"Musical Experience and Hearing Loss: Perceptual, Cognitive and Neural Benefits," Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Conference, San Diego, CA, February 2014.

Presacco, A., Jenkins, K., Lieberman, R., and Anderson, S., 
"Dynamic and static encoding of speech processing in younger and older adults," Bridges, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, November 2013.

Anderson, S., and Kraus, N., 
"Maintenance of auditory-based cognitive training in older adults," Aging and Speech Communication Conference, Bloomington, IN, October 2013.

Presacco, A., Jenkins, K., Lieberman, R., and Anderson, S., 
"Phase differences explain the effects of aging on dynamic and static encoding of speech processing," Biomedical Engineering Society Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 2013.

White-Schwoch, T., Woodruff, K., Anderson, S., and Kraus, N., 
"Musical training early in life protects against age-related declines in cognition and neural speech processing," Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 2013.

Anderson, S., White-Schwoch, T., and Kraus, N., 
"Training reverses central processing effects of sensorineural hearing loss in older adults," MidWinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. Baltimore, MD, February 2013.


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